特徴: 水で溶いて使用でき、乾くと耐水性になります。金属・紙・木・布・プラスッチック・など幅広い素材に描けます。不透明で隠ぺい力が強く乾くと美しいつや消し状に仕上がります中フタが付いているので絵具の保存が良好です。重ね塗りも容易にでき、なき、にじみがありません。 商品仕様: ◆内容量:600ml ◆材質:キャップ・容器:PP、中栓:PE A characteristic: I dissolve it with water and can use it and become water resistant when I dry. I can describe it in the subject matter that metal paper tree cloth プラスッチック など is wide. As I am accompanied by the middle cover which is finished into a beautiful mat form when a concealment power strongly dries with opacity preservation of the paint is good. I can facilitate the stack coating and there is no blur that there is not.
Product specifications: ◆Inner capacity: 600 ml
◆Materials: A cap a container: It is a stopper among PP: PE
A characteristic:
I dissolve it with water and can use it and become water resistant when I dry. I can describe it in the subject matter that metal paper tree cloth プラスッチック など is wide. As I am accompanied by the middle cover which is finished into a beautiful mat form when a concealment power strongly dries with opacity preservation of the paint is good. I can facilitate the stack coating and there is no blur that there is not.
Product specifications:
◆Inner capacity: 600 ml
◆Materials: A cap a container: It is a stopper among PP: PE